“Some People Always Say That We Are Slaving’ For The ‘White Man’ In Canada, Do You Have Stable Electricity? Do You Have Good Roads?”- Man Ask Important Question, Shares The Things He Enjoys Living Abroad

A young man named The Canada boy on Facebook has shared few reasons why he prefers living abroad despite people saying they are slaving for the white people. The Canada boy went on to outline the things one enjoys living abroad that those in Africa who are free may never enjoy.

He went on to ask Africans an important question, saying do you have stable electricity? Do you have good roads? Do you have access to good healthcare? Do you have freedom of speech, even as a ‘free person’? Do you have security? Do you have law and order? Does your electoral vote count? Do you have an employment?

Sharing on Facebook, he wrote:

“Some people always say that we are slaving’ for the ‘white man’ in Canada and the United States. Are you a ‘free man or woman’ in your home country? What we enjoy as ‘slaves’ in Canada and the US, you may not even have as a ‘free person’ in your home country.

For instance, do you have stable electricity? Do you have good roads? Do you have access to good healthcare? Do you have freedom of speech, even as a ‘free person’? Do you have security? Do you have law and order? Does your electoral vote count? Do you have an employment opportunity?

Can your leaders use public transit? Do you even have functioning and reliable public transit? I can go on and on. Please list what you enjoy as a ‘free person’ in your home country?

Do you want to be a ‘slave’ in Canada or a ‘free person’ in your home country?

Source: The Canada boy| Facebook

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com