Ghanaian Man Emotional As He Flies His 83 -Year- Old Mother On Plane For The Very First Time
She has never seen an aeroplane up close, not talk of sat in one. So as part of christmas present🛍 I got her and my brother domestic tickets for her to have the experience too by flying from Tamale to Accra to visit my sister. When she landed at the Accra airport, tears rolled down her eyes: “When I die, I will go to my husband and tell him that the children we raised have become thoughtful and grateful children.” The passengers began clapping for her, feeling touched by the scene they turned to my brother and said: “Thank you for doing that for your mother!”
Our parents have done so much for us with little at their disposal. Growing up in a village without electricity, my mother would wake up at 4am to fry “koose” and I would carry it every morning on my head in a glass and wooden container called “sieve” on my way to school to the “kooko” seller. Of course, some school friends made fun of me for always carrying the sieve.
Our father was supportive too: he would sell a goat or donkey to help finance our education. That was our fate. Nonetheless, we consider ourselves quite lucky to have grown up in a harmonous family where responsibility, dignity and autonomy was taught! Our parents didn’t complain about their lives and they didn’t fight and curse each other.
At 83 mother’s health is still good: no diabetes, no high blood pressure and no mental health issues.
A Ghanaian Brother
Credit:Js Nabih
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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