“Everybody Reacts To Grief Very Differently”- How Blessing Nze Started Singing After Hearing About Her Mum’s Death Because She Was Not Sick

Everybody reacts to grief very differently and that truth is very evident in the story that Nollywood actress, Blessing Nze, is sharing about how she reacted immediately after finding out that her mom had passed.

Here is what the actress had to say about why she started singing after hearing her mom had passed away.

Speaking about the loss of her mom and why she started singing when she heard about her passing, Blessing Nze said:

BLESSING NZE: My mum is like my mummy and my daddy literally, especially when you’re an only child. So my mum is my number one fan, best friend, everything. So it was a rude shock to us when she passed away because she wasn’t ill.

You come back from work, somebody opens the door while on omugwo, have a little bit of chit chat, you wake up Sunday morning to get ready for church, get into the room, and the person is just no more here. We thought she just passed out until we got to the hospital and it was the worst news that nobody wants to ever hear.

It was really hard. Nobody prepares you on how to navigate grief until you’re actually in it. You are never prepared for it. Some people thought I wouldn’t survive the grief, but one thing I know, and it’s the most constant thing in life: is that God is faithful, ever faithful, in the good and the bad.

What I believe is that whatever is going to happen, God prepares you for it ahead, and sometimes you don’t even know he’s preparing you for it. Because I was always singing one song with the lyrics “I have joy in chaos” and I didn’t understand the deeper meaning until my mum passed.

I remember when the doctor told me that there’s nothing that could have been done, that she was gone, I worshipped. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, and I don’t know how I did that. I didn’t even think it through. Sometimes people go through grief and say where was God when this happened? That is the kind of thing that maybe could have happened. But I feel like God prepared my spirit ahead without me even knowing. I feel like that particular moment was me letting go of myself and saying ‘Holy spirit, comfort me.’ I sang ‘I will not be silent, I will always worship you.’

And then, you start to make those hard calls that you don’t want to make.

Indeed this thing called grief hits everybody very differently.

Source:Jide Okonjo

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com