Emotional Moment Ghanaian Man Leaves Wife At Home To Relocate Abroad For A Better Future

A video of a young Ghanaian man and his wife sharing their final moments together at the airport has surfaced on social media.

The husband was leaving his wife in Ghana to chase a better future abroad for their family.

The wife could not contain her emotions as she was spotted shedding tears at the departure hall of the airport.

A young Ghanaian woman was overwhelmed with emotion as her husband said his final goodbye to relocate abroad to secure a better future.

In a video circulating on social media, the couple shared an emotional moment at the departure hall of the Kotoka International Airport in Accra.

The young couple hugged for several minutes while sharing their final moments amid tears and promises. It is unclear from the video where the young man was relocating, but the look on his face suggested a better future was ahead of him.

The emotionally touching video of the couple was watched by over 30,000 people, registering 30.8k likes and 699 comments, as of the time of filing this story.

Watch video:

Source: Yen.com.gh

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com