Tony Elumelu Amazed After Princess Adeyinka Tekenah, Who Won $5,000 In 2015, From TEF Established A Multi Billion Dollar Coffee Business (Video)

Meet Princess Adeyinka Tekenah, Founder of @HappyCoffeeN , who received $5000 seed funding from the @TonyElumeluFDN in 2015. Her success story fuels our passion!
This is why we do what we do, as seen on Tony Elumelu’s X platform.

So in the video with Tony Elumelu, Princess Adeyinka Tekenah recounts how she established a multi Billion dollar coffee business after she won the $5,000 through the Tony Elumelu foundation and Tony Elumelu was amazed to hear her talk about the success of her business barely 9 years after.

Watch video:

Source: Tony Elumelu| X
