“16 Years Ago I Was Selling Popcorn And Hawking Electronics Door-To-Door”- Real Estate Businessman, Stephen Akintayo Encourages People Never To Give Up

Dr. Stephen Akintayo is Africa’s most influential Investment Coach. He is a member of Forbes Business Council, an invitation-only organization for successful entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world.

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, Chairman of Gtext Holdings, and the Founder of Stephen Akintayo Foundation.

The businessman recently went down memory remembering hard days as he shares reason why one must not give up.

Read his post below as shared on X:

“When you feel like giving up, ask yourself what’s in it for me?

16 years ago, business wasn’t funny. I struggled from dawn to dusk with no significant payoff.

Selling popcorn and hawking electronics door-to-door used to be my normal routine just to survive.

After my electronics business, I started bulk SMS business. When I started, it wasn’t rosy. I still struggled a lot to make sales.

I remember pasting posters around Lagos with the hopes that I would make a sale.

I knew that the more posters I pasted, the higher the chances of making sales.

Thus, I would trek miles and paste posters around Lagos because I couldn’t afford to pay for transportation.

There was a day I pasted posters for 14 good hours – morning till night – yet I didn’t give up.

I made some sales from my posters, and that was how I got started.

I realized that I had to take full responsibility for my success because I knew nobody was going to give me fish to eat.

I had to work for my daily bread in order to survive.

My survival instinct was strong!

After that, I added other businesses just to scale up my finances.

Today, I’m grateful that my hustles paid off. I’ve been blessed because I didn’t give up.

I could decide to stop working now, and I’ll still keep getting paid. Even my kids would have no reason to worry about money.

Imagine where I would be today if I had quitted 16 years ago when things were extremely tough. I knew that my future would pay me even though it didn’t seem like it then.

Are you ready to give up?

Don’t you dare! Just at the brink of a breakthrough, a lot of people give up.

When it gets dark is when you should shine even brighter. Don’t quit. Keep investing in yourself and keep showing up every day. Your future self life would be proud of you.

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Source:Stephen Akintayo| X

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com