Don’t Confess This To Anyone, If You Do, No One Would Marry You” – Lady Gets Response From Her Parents After Informing Them That She Had An Abortion
“I was 22 when I got pregnant–my boyfriend freaked out and made it explicitly clear that he didn’t want the baby. And honestly, I wasn’t ready either, but I at least hoped that my boyfriend would be supportive; instead he called me a ‘whore’ and demanded that I prove it was his child; that broke me.
I was terrified of what my family would say. So I confided in my best friend who took me to the abortion clinic. I was 7 weeks pregnant and I had to go through a surgical abortion. Before the procedure started, the doctor looked at me as if I had committed a crime and in a condescending tone said, ‘Now I’ll have to clean your dirt’. Her comment only added to my pain.
After the surgery, I stayed with my best friend where I bled in her room for days; my boyfriend wanted nothing to do with me. I’d constantly think to myself, ‘You killed an individual.
Your own child!’ I’d visit temples and pray for forgiveness as I felt like a murderer.
At home, nobody knew about my secret and I’d pretend to be happy. I was carrying my trauma within me as I went through everyday life. I felt worthless and hit rock bottom.
But in my heart, I knew I made the right decision; I wouldn’t have been a capable mother.
Before I fell pregnant, I was making a successful career as a model. I’d console myself, ‘You aren’t going to allow your past to affect your future’. And as difficult as it was to pick myself up, I slowly got back to working and paid attention to what truly made me happy; fashion. Walking on the runway gave me confidence and earning made me feel capable again.
And when I established myself as a model abroad too, I believed in myself more. With my savings, I founded my own modeling agency from the gym in my home.
It took me about 5 years to blurt it out to my family, ‘I had an abortion.’ It was a tough pill for them to swallow, they stayed in denial for the longest time and said, ‘Don’t confess this to anyone. If you do, no one will marry you,’ I felt disheartened. But I said to myself, ‘I can’t undo what’s been done, but I’m going to do better!’ And so, I focused my energy into my business.
I worked hard everyday and today, 7 years later, my company is one of the biggest fashion agencies. We promote the beauty of brown skin and also employ the underprivileged to live their dreams as models. Seeing these people soar has in fact helped me heal. And although I’m still a work in progress, I don’t regret my decision to abort – it’s simple, I wasn’t ready to be a mother. And I don’t think anyone else’s opinion should matter!”
Source: Humans of Bombay
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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