Nigerian Man Celebrates 5 Years Of Living In Canada, Says It’s The Best 5 Years Of His Life

A Nigerian man named Adeola Omo Adeyemi with twitter handle
@Ijesha_canada has celebrated 5 years of relocating to Canada, and he agrees that it has a been a wild beautiful journey and the best five years of his life.

Adeola was also so grateful for how far he has come in life.

Sharing photos on twitter he wrote:

It’s my 5 years anniversary in Canada & boy it’s been a wild but beautiful journey. I think I can comfortably say it’s been the best 5 years of my life in many respects. Personal, mental, financial, giving back and most importantly, spiritually.

Grateful for how far I have come.

Source: Adeola Omo Adeyemi | Twitter
