Teacher Who Revealed That She Has Not Been Promoted After Working Ten Years, Receives N200K Gift From Nigerians

“N200k Alert in 24 Hours”: Good Female Teacher Who Quoted Flutterwave’s Tweet Gets Bombarded With Cash Gifts

A Nigerian teacher who quoted a tweet by Flutterwave has started getting monetary gifts from Nigerians on Twitter.

The teacher, Adaobi Amadi, responded to the tweet in which Flutterwave asked people to brag about themselves Adaobi quoted the tweet and said she is a good teacher who has not been promoted for 10 years and two persons sent her N200k.

A teacher who quoted a tweet by Flutterwaves has received cash gifts of N200,000.

The female teacher, Adaobi Amadi, responded to a tweet by Flutterwave asking Twitter users to brag about themselves. Adaobi got N200k cash gifts.

Many people have jumped on the trend, quoting Flutterwave’s tweet and using it to tell people how far they have come in life.

Some people, while quoting the tweet, told of how they overcame life challenges to become successful.

Adobi lamented that as a good teacher, she has not been promoted after 10 years. She said the salary from her job is laughable, but she continues to be a good teacher to her students. She wrote: “I’m the teacher you wish your kids would have.

Salary is laughable, but everyday I’m at work before 7am. Haven’t been promoted in almost 10 years (civil service), but I still teach Chemistry today with the same passion I had when I started the job.

If e easy, run am!” After she made the tweet, two persons separately sent her N100k each to appreciate the job she does.

See the tweet below:

Source: Legit

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com