Nigerian Columnist Shares Throwback Photo, Remembers What Made Her Insecured Growing Up As Little Girl, Shares Motivation
Betty Irabor is a Nigerian columnist, philanthropist, writer, publisher of Genevieve magazine, she recently shared an old photo as she reminisces on the days when she felt Insecured about the two tiny marks on her face and she hoped to erase them many times, sharing few motivating words on what she later learnt about life on Instagram.
She wrote:
As a young girl, I was somewhat fixated
on the two tiny markings on my cheeks. They were
not bold and could hardly be noticed but I couldn’t
ignore them.
They always had my full attention. I can’t tell you how many times I wished I could erase them with my 2B pencil.i remember trying in vain to cover them with my “‘sweet sixteen’ powder
Every day as a young girl, I thought about those
marks and how I would be prettier without them.
They just managed to define my whole concept of beauty and self wbrth.
The funny thing is most of my friends didn’t even
notice I had those marks until I drew their attention to them.
I struggled with this for a long time until years later, while in the University it suddenly occurred to me,
“Wait a Minute!!!” I hadn’t thought of those markings for a very long time. I am not sure what happened but it just seemed that the marks were gone. In truth they were still there but I was no longer preoccupied with them.
That’s what changed.
I was no onger fixated on them.
I had stopped paying homage to them; I stopped looking in the mirror to see if they had magically disappeared… It didnt matter anymore.
You see the thing is, most times we are the ones that enable our insecurities to consume and define us because we keep feeding them fat.
Oftentimes the things that we think matter do not really matter that much. They only matter when we give them all our attention.
The result bf this is that we lose FOCUS on what
really courts at the end of the day.
Trust me..I know the outcome/ consequences of focusing on what could/should have been.
Imagine what we can achieve if our energy is directed at our goals and how we can ignite our vision. Imagine if we mastered the act of focusing more on our strengths and all the endless possibilities.
What are/you FOCUSED on right now? Is it
Source: Betty Irabor | Instagram
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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