“The Same People Who Create Opportunities For You Can One Day Still Close Those Doors When You Turn Around To Sabotage Them”- Betty Irabor Speaks On Goodwill

Betty Irabor is a Nigerian columnist, philanthropist, writer, publisher and founder of Genevieve magazine, she shared lessons learnt when she embarked on her Entrepreneurship journey at age 46 while speaking On Goodwill in her Instagram page.

Read her post below:

One day, very soon i am going to talk about what true friendship is all about and the value
of being blessed with a network of those who
genuinely want to see you succeed and the ones who never gloat when you hit rock bottöm.

One major thing i learnt from entrepreneurship which I ventured into at 46 is that the biggest currency we tend to overlook is GOODWILL.

Whatever you do, be careful not to squander your friendships, connections and opportunities on a whim. You can’t outgrow your goodwill; it is also not dated.

| understand that the same people who create opportunities for you can one day still close those doors when you turn around to sabotage them.

Never forget thất “One qood friendship deserves another, loyalty is not a trend. It never goes out of fashion.

I will tell you more about the people that held me up as traveled through the most tortuous journeys of my life as an entrepreneur…

I will mention names as a tribute to each of them. BTW: Isn’t this podcast, YouTube, or another book worthy? Himmm
t’s good to be back here.

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Source: Betty Irabor | Instagram

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com