How This Lady Secured A Better Job For The Security Man At Her Company After Finding Out He’s A Graduate

A young lady named Christabel Ikpen has shared an inspirational story on how she changed the life of the security guard that works at her company.

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

About three weeks ago, one of the security guys (Emmanuel) that manages the office complex where I work asked to see me.

I made out the time to have a conversation with him and he shared with me his predicament.

He was searching for a new job with a possible higher pay and my first question was about the qualifications he possessed.

Surprisingly, he told me he had a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature. I had to ask him again just to be sure I heard correctly.

It turned out he accepted the first job he got after applying to several organisations without getting any response.

Being the LinkedIn advocate that I am, I told him he needed to be on LinkedIn as that would give him an advantage plus allow him to network with recruiters.

I remembered that my connection, Ally Pascal had this WhatsApp group for job seekers where he pushes out job openings and I encouraged him to join the group which he did.

Last week as I was about to step into the office I heard someone scream my name. When I looked up, it was Emmanuel.

I could see the excitement on his face and I was wondering what must have gotten him all excited. It was a very sunny day. 🤣

Anyways, he told me how he just got a part-time job that paid him more than his current job and all this was possible because I shared a piece of information that looked trivial to me but made a lot of difference to him.

I was beyond thrilled and excited for him. I encouraged him to reach for the stars and upskill and never settle for less seeing that he could achieve so much more.

I entered the office and did a little happy dance. The news literally transformed my day.

This is me sharing Emmanuel’s good news and hoping that this would be someone’s testimony soon.

Lastly, I can’t overemphasise the power of networking. Also, if you’ve got useful information that could transform a person’s life, tell them. The sky is big enough for us all.

Source: Christabel Ikpen | LinkedIn
