“To Every Mom Who Has Lost A Child, Had A Miscarriage Or Lost Their New Born, Yours Will Be 10 Times Brighter -” Tomike Encouragers Waiting Mothers

Vlogger Brand influencer, TV Personality, Alayande Tomike has shared Inspirational messages to mum’s who has had miscarriages and are still trying to concieve, sharing a photo of her second pregnancy on Instagram, she wrote;

I saw several comments like this on the latest vlog and I couldn’t help but dedicate this post to them!

To every mom who has lost a child, had a miscarriage or lost their new born… look at the smile on my face on the first slide, yours will be 10 times brighter than that when God finishes that which He has begun in your life from this day! Family members! Let’s turn this post to a prayer war room for our family members who are crying to God for the fruit of the womb!

Where 2 or 3 are gathered, He’s there! The all seeing God is here and He said we should just ASK! Ask we shall today!
Heavenly Father we lift up every woman trying to conceive into your hands..we ask that you show yourself strong and mighty in their lives in Jesus name! Do that which only you can do in their life in Jesus name! Baba mi koseunti!

There’s absolutely nothing too difficult for you! We ask that you distribute CHILDREN to every family member of ours TTC in Jesus mighty name! You have done it before in this family, not once, not twice but several times! That’s why I rest assured that you can and you WILL do it again! Some put their trust in horses or chariot men but our trust is in YOU and YOU alone! Lord we rely and depend on you! We ask that you do this for us and our lips shall praise you! We will return to give you all the glory as always! We pray that you comfort every woman who has lost a child in Jesus name!

The peace and joy that can only come from above, please grant unto them in Jesus name! Let them see you in the midst of their situation in Jesus name! We pray o Lord that you will restore unto them that which they have lost in multiple folds in Jesus name! For their trouble, Daddy give them DOUBLE as you’ve promised in Jesus name! Next Mothers Day as always Father, do your thing again! Let them be celebrated as MOTHERS in Jesus name! Amen and Amen in Jesus name!

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Source: Alayande Tomike | Instagram

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com