“A Lifelong Dream To Fly Jets For A Living Has Finally Become A Reality”- Man Celebrates As He Fulfills His Dream
A young man named Greg Shepherd has announced that he just fulfilledl his childhood dream of flying a jet.
Read his post below:
All Glory to God. A lifelong dream to fly jets for a living has finally become a reality, from leaving active duty in 2020 during covid, flight training, and flight instructing to now getting to fly jets for JSX. I am beyond blessed.
Thank you to my support system during this last month of long days and time away from home. Huge shoutout to my sim partner Mark Rubin, God truly works all things together, and I am grateful to have had his experience through my first type rating.
I can’t wait to hit the line starting next week until then to enjoy some family time. Just a kid from Radcliff…WE MADE IT.

Source: Fly For The Culture
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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