Nancy Isime Reacts To People Calling Her A Sex Symbol

Nigerian actress Nancy Isime is by far one of the most beloved celebrities in the nation today. From her down to earth personality to her very obvious beauty, people love Nancy Isime for so many different reasons.

In fact, some people love her so much, that it even goes beyond just crushing on her – they find her to be sexy. A ‘sex symbol’ in fact.

During her interview with Ehiz, Nancy Isime was asked how she feels about being called a sex symbol, and here is what Nancy Isime said.

Nancy Isime during interview
During the interview, Nancy Isime was asked “Do you consider yourself a sex symbol?” She responded:

NANCY ISIME: Aye! Do you know the funniest part? No. I would never know why people—

“Why did you say ‘aye’, like you dey reason am?”

NANCY ISIME: Because as a woman, you don’t even need to do anything to be a sex symbol.

“You’re just naturally sexy right?”

NANCY ISIME: No. People just always want to make everything about you about sex.

“Not sex. Sex symbol is like sexiness”

NANCY ISIME: Yeah, but somebody you would like to sleep with.

“Well, yeah? But girl come on. You know that a bunch of bachelors out here would love to have you. It’s headline news. So do you consider yourself a sexy symbol?”


“But you know they consider you like that?”

NANCY ISIME: I know. And it’s weird. Because what did I do? It’s just weird. Because I don’t even know. See the thing I’m talking about. I have no makeup on. Literally, I have a hat on. I’m all covered up. I see myself as a crush symbol because there’s a huge— everybody “you’re my crush”, “he crush”, “e crusher”, but sex symbol, I don’t get that a lot.

“But you know say na from clap dance dey start?”

NANCY ISIME: Yeah, I know probably there are fantasies of that. And it also happens with being a single woman. Maybe when I get married, all of that dies down a little bit. I feel like when you’re married, that kinda dies down. Some sick people still stay and say they want to have sex with you when you’re married, but sex symbol, I don’t see myself as that.

“How many uncomfortable DMs do you get?”

NANCY ISIME: Uhmm, a couple. A couple to be honest. There are people who go as bold as leaving the DM and putting it out there that they have a crush, that’s why I say crush.

“So your WCW tag every Wednesday dey plenty, Woman Crush Wednesday?”

NANCY ISIME: You know the funniest part? Women actually love me and it’s not in a sexual way. That’s why I say sex symbol is a bit wild. I just feel like women they like me a lot because I’m likable. And it’s even with mothers, aunties, they just like me, because I’m relatable. I’m like the girl next door. And I am the girl next door.

Source: Jide Okonjo
