Pretty Young Lady Celebrates One Year At Her Job In Google, Says She’s Grateful For The Experience And Has Traveled To New Countries
Pretty young lady named Caitlyn Kumi whose profile on LinkedIn shows she’s the
Associate Product Marketing Manager at Google has celebrated one year at her job.
The young vibrant lady is estatic about her experience at the job, the countries she has visited, she also took time to outline the valuable insights she gained from her company.
Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:
1 year at Google🎉
I’m beyond grateful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had during my first year at Google. I’ve deepened my marketing knowledge, traveled to new countries, and expanded my network. But that’s not all – I’ve also gained some valuable insights that I want to share with you.
Here are 6 career tips that I’ve learned during my first year at Google :
1️⃣ Don’t just rely on mentors – build sponsor relationships too! Sponsors can advocate for you to get that promotion, and use their influence to get you opportunities for career advancement.
2️⃣ Don’t just present your work – present your point of view too! Show that you have a recommendation and be confident about it.
3️⃣ Feedback is key! Ask for it early and often, and ask effective questions to get better answers.
4️⃣ Be clear about your needs with your manager. This makes it easier for them to support you.
5️⃣ Network, network, network! At Google, relationships are everything. Attend events and build a community.
6️⃣ Get to know your coworkers! Understanding how to work with different team members is crucial for cross-functional collaboration.
Remember: no one cares about your career as much as you do. Take charge, prioritize building community and honing your skills, and watch your career takeoff.
Source: Caitlyn Kumi | LinkedIn
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