“From Farm Apprentice To Audit Assistant”- Man Thanks God, Says He Turned His Table
A young man named Abraham Teye Acheaw has reminisced about old days in his career, shares throwback photo of when he was a farm Apprentice and then revolved to an audit assistance while aknowledging and thanking God for turning his table.
Read his post below as shared on LinkedIn:
At times God allows us to go through some strife not for anything but just to groom us for betterment and to bring glory to Himself.
Indeed God’s time has always been the best. We knowing where we are coming from have really helped us and that has been our benchmark.
Due to that we have not been throwing our cards just like that and God has also been good onto us. From “farm apprentice” to “audit assistant” has been a very long distance yet God has turned the table for us.
Even though we’ve not gotten there yet, but we know with time and the help of God we will get there.
A big thanks to all my teachers who have help me come to this far. I just love you all.

Source: Abraham Teye Acheaw | LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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