Lady Who Was Raped By A Bike Man At Age 18 Writes Book On Journey To Healing, Now An Inspiration To Rape Survivors

A young lady named IyinOluwa Onduru has shared a heartbreaking story on how she was raped 10 years at the age of 18 by a bike rider.

IyinOluwa who also spoke about her healing process has now written her first book titled journey to healing.

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

Your pain is too precious to waste. Turn it into gold!

10 years ago this year, I had a rude awakening to adulthood. A month after I clocked 18, I was raped by a bike man on my way home from a rehearsal.

It felt like the end. When he left me on that muddy Ikorodu road, I thought, ‘God if you’re real, you should have taken my life’. I felt broken, shattered, battered, devastated..

Today, I am glad and thankful that I am still here.

I am also grateful for the great support system that has been very instrumental in my healing journey.

I had to deal with panic attacks, nightmares, physical injuries, trauma, dizzy spells.
I remember that I had to see a Doctor who happened to be Dr. Okey Onuzo who I now call Daddy.

He told me something profound after they found out that my blood pressure was a little too high for my age. He said, “don’t waste your pain, it’s too precious, instead turn it to gold”. I have never forgotten these words, they have shaped and strengthened me till now.

So when God said to write my first book, I asked, ‘tell the whole world that I was raped? and He said, “don’t call yourself a victim, call yourself a testimony.”

A testimony is exactly who I am. My first book, ‘Journey to healing’, the story of my journey to healing was launched in 2017.

My second book, ‘A practical guide for Sexual Assault Survivors’ was launched in December 2021. I have hosted online and physical healing programmes for rape and sexual assault survivors. I have had the opportunity to work with many survivors who are now living happy productive lives. I have had numerous speaking engagements where I shared my story and journey to healing, and lives have been transformed. This new year I am taking bigger steps which I will be sharing with you to see many other survivors, sexually exploited and vulnerable get the help and support they need to find healing and live again.

God has been good and kind to me. And this comfort He has given me, I now use to comfort others.

Does it feel like where you are now is the end?
I encourage you to dare to believe because there is more. You are here for a purpose. God has great plans for you and you can partner with Him to receive beauty for ashes.


Source:IyinOluwa Onduru | LinkedIn
