The Baby Came Out Fully Healthy Despite
His Wife Having Gestational Diabetes Which Caused The Baby Heart Rate To Drop, Excited Dad Shows Off New Born Baby
A young dad with twitter handle @JesusSavesbro Is elated at the moment while displaying a photo of his newly delivered healthy baby.
@JesusSavesbro narrated briefly how his wife went through 3 days of intense labor, due to her having gestational diabetes and she had to be induced early, causing the doctors to perform an emergency C section because they said the baby’s
heart rate was dropping & was dangerously low.
The proud dad praised God as the baby eventually came out healthy.
Read his post below as shared on Twitter:
My wife went through 3 days of intense labor. Due to her having
gestational diabetes she had to be induced early. The doctors had to perform an emergency C
section b/c they said our baby’s heart rate was dropping dangerously low but PRAISE GOD b/c she is here and FULLY HEALTHY!!
Source: Twitter
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