“lf You Look At My Life At 25, You Could Easily Conclude This 3 Time School Dropout Is A Failure, The Following
Years To Date Was Exponential”- Nigerian Man Encourages The Youth
A young Nigerian man named Toyyib Adewale Adelodun with twitter handle @taadelodun has shared motivations to the youth on Twitter using his life as an example.
Toyyib shared how when he was 25 years old, looking at his life then, one could conclude easily that as a 3 time school dropout, he would be a failure, but Toyyib who has now succeeded agrees that the
following years to date was exponential. Says God shocked him.
He admonished the youths to be patient with God, and trust the process.
Read his post below as shared on Twitter:
Be patient with God,trust the process.l am not telling you this cause I read a motivational book, I lived through the process.
If you look at my life at 25, you could
easily conclude this 3 time school dropout is failure, the following years to date was exponential growth. God shocked me!

Source: Toyyib Adewale Adelodun | Twitter
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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