She Encountered Several Challenges After She Lost Her Sister To Breast Cancer But Refused To Give Up Her Pursuit Of Becoming A Doctor
“While studying at Spelman my junior year, I lost my oldest sister, Angel, to stage four triple negative breast cancer. I was devastated, faced with the decision to continue my studies or take a break from my education. I chose to stay the course because that’s what she would have encouraged me to do.
The aftermath of my sister’s death took a toll on my grades. Although the road was full of bumps and potholes of obstacles I graduated on time from Spelman.
Following her death, I dealt with much grief and depression, seriously contemplating suicide. I wanted to trade places with her on numerous occasions. This pain affected me to the point where it was hard to eat some days, and it was even more challenging to wake up. It seemed like medical school was out of the question and that my dream was going to end there.
However, I refused to give up my pursuit of becoming a doctor. I came to realize that my destiny was more important than my desires.
I started to throw myself into new opportunities that I would have never attempted to think about before her death. Angel had taught me to travel and try new things, so I started living in order to honor her life instead of focusing on her death.
Striving to enhance my medical school resume, I went back to school and received my Master of Science with a concentration in Biochemistry from Drexel University College of Medicine. Afterwards, I took several premedical courses, participated in medical preparation programs, and studied for the MCAT. After applying and going through several interviews and hearing a lot of ‘no’s,’ I finally got my ‘Yes!’. I realized that nothing can bring me down unless I let it and I have to just keep going no matter what.
I was accepted into St. George’s University School of Medicine for the Fall 2017 incoming class. Not only was I accepted into the Doctor of Medicine program, I was chosen as a Keith B. Taylor Global Scholar and will spend the first year of my medical education in London. I will study Medicine in three different countries while in medical school (England, Grenada, and the USA).
Angel used to always tell me to ‘stop living off of your potential and start living up to it.’ I hope that as her birthday (August 28) approaches she would be proud that I am living up to my potential. In her memory, I continue to spread breast cancer awareness when I wear a pageant crown and care for my patients when I wear my stethoscope.
I want to inspire others to follow their heart and be relentless in the pursuit of whatever sets your soul on fire. My road to medical school proves that a dream deferred does not mean a dream denied.” – Antonia Gore, future doctor.
Source: Because of them we can
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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