9 Awards, Best Graduating Student With
Distinction, Now Officially A Doctor, Meet
Dr. Saratu Imargi Gaiya

A young lady named Saratu Imargi Gaiya, with twitter handle SaratuGaiya has summarized her achievments on Twitter as she officially became a Doctor.

Saratu who attended Kaduna State University, bagged 9 awards, became the best graduating student with distinction in community medicine.

She shared the good news with friends on her timeline while displaying her awards. Read her post below:

Officially Dr. Saratu Imargi Gaiya.
MBBS class of 2022, Kaduna State University. 9 awards including best
graduating student and
distinction in community

Source: Dr. Saratu Imargi Gaiya | Twitter

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com