He Addresed The United Nations, Became A Lawyer, Performed Royal Duties For Queen Elizabeth, Man Shares All His Achievments While Rocking A Dreadlocks Hairstyle

Just recently they was a trending tweet of a man who got rejected in an interview because he was on dreadlocks.

After the story went viral, many people on dreadlocks have been sharing their achievments while rocking the hair.

A young man with twitter handle @Z black _one has taken time to outline his achievments on dreadlocks with photos.

Read his post below as shared on Twitter:

No need to imagine:
Pic 1: Me with locs giving the valedictory address at my Uni graduation

Pic 2: Me addressing the United Nations with locs
Pic 3: Me being called to the Bar

(l’m a Lawyer) with locs
Pic 4: Me with locs performing Royal duties for HRM Queen Elizabeth

Source: Twitter

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com