Young Lady Who Gave Birth To A Son At Junior School Emerges Best Graduating Student, Wins Over $1 Million Scholarship To US University

Teen mom Lamyrical Harris becomes best graduating student at Trezevant high school wins 1 million scholarship

An exceptional young Lady named Lamyrical Harris has set an outstanding record after emerging as the first-ever student of Trezevant High School in Tennessee that will win a $1 million scholarship to college.

Lamyrical Harris gave birth to a son while in junior class and despite being faced with the responsibility of taking care of her child, she emerged as the school’s valedictorian.

Her exceptional academic performance got her accepted into more than 24 universities across the United States securing her scholarship awards of $1,244,298. She narrated that her motivation to work harder spiked when she had her son.

“I was scared. It just made me go 10 times harder,” she told the news station.

The birth of her son inspired her to work 10 times harder in high school and at the end of the first academic year when she returned to the junior class, she had earned $200,000 in scholarships.

Harris explained further that by the start of her senior year, she had secured a whopping $500,000 and later surpassed the million-dollar mark at graduation.

Source: Scholars Region
