Proud Nigerian Lady Graduates With Numerous Awards And 5 Distinctions In Physiology

A young lady named Ebube Ijeamaka Udeozor has shared her career journey and few motivating words as she graduates with numerous awards and 5 distinctions in Physiology.

Read her post below:

6 years ago I got admission into the university. It was a very very late admission. I got admitted when my mates were done with the entire first semester syllabus for their 2nd MBBS courses.

I remember going to sign in and a woman at admissions advising me to defer my admission and try again next year because, ‘I would surely fail’ but my parents didn’t raise a quitter. I was confident in my skills. I knew failure was an option but I also knew it wasn’t an option for me.

Guess who ended up getting a distinction in one of her 2nd mbbs courses along with an award for best in Biochemistry in 2nd mbbs? Me. Fast forward to many school years later and here I am, all done and graduated with numerous awards and 5 distinctions in Physiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Preventive Dentistry, Child Dental Health and Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine😊

Anyways, please don’t let people dictate what you can and cannot do. You are only what you think you are. Be confident in your capabilities and just keep pushing.
Thank you 2022 for being a good year. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me in 2023❤️ #thankyou

Source: Ebube Ijeamaka Udeozor | LinkedIn
