Proud Lady Who Just Became An Associate Chartered Accountant Shares Motivation, Says It’s A Victory She Achieved Through Resilience

A young lady named Mary Umale who just became an Associate Chartered Accountant has shared some motivating words after encountering several challenges and setbacks in her career.

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

Permit me to share some of my life lessons and a victory I achieved through resilience.

Life can beat you down and at ties make you feel run over, it can distort your senses to the point where you feel bereft and alone.

You will attempt to get up but feel too weary to do so. Still you must attempt to try to rise up regardless of the weight upon you.

Allow yourself to grieve and feel, then start the work of another attempt or a new struggle. See the failure as an opportunity to stretch and grow.

It’s hard to think positively (believe me, I get that!) and be hopeful! I had a lot of setbacks, I had impossible challenges and I had countless sleepless nights.

I overcame all of these and defied the odd and now……

I am happy to announce that I’m an Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA)

My hope is that this inspires you to pick up that dropped project, that neglected assignment and remind yourself you are stronger than you think.

Grateful to my incredible Family and friends for their support and encouragement but most importantly, thank you God for making this day come through.

Source: Mary Umale | LinkedIn
