“I Have Learned. I Have Grown, And Most Importantly, I Found My Voice”- Lady Who Joined Microsoft Fresh Out Of College In Year 2016 Shares Her Job Experience As Her Journey With The Company Comes To An End
A young lady named Leticia Gittens who joined Microsoft fresh out of college in year 2016 has shared her career journey so far with the company, and how she has revolved, outlines all her achievments as her journey with the company comes to an end.
Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:
When I started Microsoft in 2016, the world looked a little different. Working remote was far less common, tradition led business strategy, and communication styles were filtered through social cues.
Over six years later, so much has changed. Hybrid work is the new normal, the meta verse is taking form, and communication is now managed by a mute button (ha!).
I’m also a little different. Starting fresh out of college in 2016, I was unsure of my strengths, and with very little experience, had a limited understanding of what was possible in a career for someone like me. Oh, but how things have changed.
Today, I can say that I’ve managed a multi-million, turned billion dollar business, traveled across the united states to champion the power of digital transformation, and worked alongside some of the world’s greatest leaders, creators, and innovative individuals to enable the world to achieve more.
With so much thanks to Microsoft.
I am so grateful for all that I’ve been able to do here, all that I’ve been exposed to, and every opportunity to do my best work. I’ve learned. I’ve grown, and most importantly, I found my voice—which thankfully isn’t out of tune from the inner voice that’s encouraged me along the way.
As my chapter at Microsoft comes to an end, I will continue to salute the leadership, empathy, and character of the amazing individuals that make up its operating functions. I am so honored to have been able to start my career with Microsoft, and incredibly excited that the journey does not end here.
Source: Leticia Gittens | LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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