Teenager Who Was Told That She Can’t Apply To Her Dream Sch Because Of Her Grades, Succeeds, Resumes At Oxford
Proud mum named Isang Awah has shared how she encouraged her daughter who was told that she can only apply to a certain school because of her grades.
Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:
A few years ago, my teenage daughter was told she should apply to only certain universities as these were the universities she would be able to get into.
The suggested universities did not include any of the top universities in the UK. To be fair, her grades at the time were not the best. She was already battling with self-doubts therefore telling her that she could only get into certain schools only served to leave her more demoralised.
We (her parents) asked her, “If you had the right grades, what university would you really want to attend?” Her answer was simple: “Oxford.” We told her that if she worked hard and achieved the required grades, she could get into Oxford University.
With faith in God’s word (Isaiah 40:31 became her life verse), hard work and grit, she slowly but steadily improved her grades and completed her A level studies with stellar grades. Last Saturday, she matriculated at Oxford University.
Don’t let anyone tell you or your child that certain things/places are not possible for you/your child. And please don’t say to a child (or anyone), “You should aim only for XYZ; you can’t get ABC!” Say to them, “ABC is not beyond your reach if that’s what you want. Here’s what you need to do to get ABC…”
Every child needs to know that regardless of their skin colour, ethnicity, gender or background, their dreams are valid, and if they work hard, they can achieve their every dream.

Source: Isang Awah | LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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