Lady Who Almost Lost Her Life 3 Years Ago Celebrates Recieving Her White Coat As A Medical Student

Proud lady named
Samylda Charles is excited to receive her white coat as a Medical Student.

Samylda went down memory lane sharing how 3 years ago she nearly loosed her life in a car accident, and recounted moments in at the truama ICU while struggling with anesthesia, she told the surgeons that she’s coming back to take their job.

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

This weekend I have achieved another milestone recieving my white coat as I continue as an M2 Medical Student or should I say “Physician in training,” at St. George’s University.

I can’t say that I’m surprised to be here, but I am extremely grateful to be here taking this journey alongside my little sister.

3 years ago I nearly lost my life in a car accident where I was ejected from the vehicle to the side of the road. I have little memory from my 4 weeks in the hospital. While on bed rest at home, I got right to work, TBI, cervical spine fracture, damaged teeth, 100+ facial stitches, one functioning arm, and all to finish the work I started before it happened.

I attended PT before and after class at Penn State, and still have to upkeep this practice while in med school. It hasn’t been easy!

I remember trying to fight the anesthesia in the trauma ICU so I could watch the metal hardware be placed in my arm during the three part major surgery. Just a curious student.

I wasn’t able to fight the anesthesia, but before I was put to sleep, I told my surgeons I would be coming back to take their jobs one day.

I am a woman of integrity and like to keep my promises, so I hope to see them in the OR in the next 2 years as Dr. Charles instead of their life/death patient this time.

Source:Samylda Charles | LinkedIn
