Man Marks 2 Years Anniversary At Apple, Says If They Had Told Him He Would Work There Few Years Ago, He Won’t Believe

A young man named
Kodi Agbasi has celebrated 2 years anniversary of working at Apple. Says
If they had told him he did be at the company a few years ago, he honestly would never have believed.

Read his post as shared on LinkedIn:

Today marks my 2 year anniversary Apple.

If you told me I’d be here a few years ago, I honestly would never have believed it but here we are.

In these 2 years, I’ve had challenges, breakthroughs, and even more challenges. But at the end of the day, I’ve worked with some of the smartest people in the world and I’m continuously learning and growing to be a sharper PM.

Excited for the future and more growth to come ✈️

Source: Kodi Agbasi |LinkedIn
