Innovative Liberian Entrepreneur Creates Brand Of Health & Beauty Products From Oil Palm, He Has Provided Over 80 Jobs & Now Exports Skin Care Products To The United States

Meet Mahmud Johnson, CEO of J-Palm

This Liberian entrepreneur has created a brand of health and beauty products from oil palm and a market for wasted palm kernels.

Mahmud Johnson is Founder and CEO of J-Palm Liberia, a Monrovia-based startup company.

J-Palm Liberia produces palm-oil-based consumer and industrial products and works to improve incomes for Liberia’s smallholder farmers.

The startup creates a range of affordable, organic palm oil based skin and hair care products. Additionally, they create clean energy solutions from palm kernels to prevent people from utilising wood charcoal.

This is in efforts to reduce deforestation resulting from the production of wood charcoal.

Mahmud’s ambition is to use business as a tool to address the social problems in Liberia.

J-Palm is focused on creating jobs for rural youth and women, as well as, increasing the income opportunities for palm oil farmers.

The company has expanded their product line, and have started exporting their skin care products to the United States!

In 2014, Mahmud went on to become a Branson Scholar at the Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship in South Africa.

J-Palm is providing jobs to over 80 people, including farmers, producers, and sales agents, aiming to become Liberia’s largest consumer goods company.

Source:Charles Ayitey |LinkedIn
