“Microsoft Truly Are A Family First Company”- Proud Mom Praises Her Company, Explains Why

A young mom named
Alexis Harris has few interesting things to say about her company Microsoft.

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

One year ago …

My manager told me about the Microsoft paid
Parental COVID leave option.

He saw the challenges I was having and offered a solution.

It was in this moment that I was “sold” on Microsoft . They truly are a “family first” company.

During such a difficult time, I didn’t have to choose between my family and my career.

I didn’t have to jump through hoops or feel guilty about taking time off. This is why I choose Microsoft.

I say all that to say, choose a company that chooses you.

Source:Alexis Harris |LinkedIn

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com