Man Who Visited The Airport To Watch Airplanes Take Off And Land When He Was Younger, Fulfills Dream Of Becoming A Pilot
A vibrant Pilot naned
Mario Victor Enahoro has gone down memory lane as he shared moments when he visited the
airport to watch airplanes take off and land and he said to himself with a smile, one day it would be me doing that take-off’s and landing’s, and his dream came to pass.
Mario who started his post by saying that
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step added a motivational post that reads
Read his post below as shared on LinkedIn:
They say ‘ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step. Feels like yesterday when I used to go to the airport and watch airplanes take off and land and I said to myself with a smile, one day it would be me doing that take-off’s and landing’s.
I remember my first take-off with a Cessna 172, my heart raced above the clouds in excitement.Then I remembered my first solo flight where my heart raced with fear.Then I remembered my first Airline job.I remember me now and it feels like just yesterday. It is good to dream of opportunities, it is good to dream of career goals and projection but most of all, LIVE YOUR DREAM. Let your PURPOSE REST ON THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR PASSION.
Source:Mario Victor Enahoro|LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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