Lady Shares A Sad Story On How Her Husband Died 2 Months To Her Son’s Delivery

“Shyam was my soulmate, you know? When I first saw him in college in 2010, his dimples melted my heart. We went from being project partners to friends, but that was until Shyam asked me out on a date! It all flowed very naturally.

Together, we got through all the challenges college life threw at us – assignments, exams, and late nights. And even after college, when we moved to different cities, long distance was worth it simply because it was with him.

For 4 years we met once in a few months, but the moment I’d see him, all the sadness of the distance would go away. And then after dating for five years, Shyam got down on one knee and asked, ‘Dulari, will you marry me?’ I jumped and said YES! A year later, we were married!

If I had to summarize our married life in a word, it would be ‘adventurous’; we visited SO many places. Right from the streets of Venice to the temples of Hampi, we traveled across the world and promised ourselves to continue doing so. And we took it a notch higher when 3 years after our marriage I got pregnant! The moment I told him he was going to be a father, Shyam couldn’t stop jumping! And though he was always very caring, he got even more careful with everything during our pregnancy.

Right from all my medicines, to shopping for the baby, to looking after my diet- he was already a hands on dad! Each night, he’d talk to my belly saying, ‘I can’t wait to travel the world with you!’ But things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to…
Two months before my delivery, Shyam didn’t wake up one morning.

It was shocking because he was completely okay. But one day, he just left… For the longest time, I didn’t even know how to react, my partner, my best friend was gone.

There is so much that we still had to do together. Everyone around me was worried for me, especially because I was in the last trimester of my pregnancy. We wanted to give our child the best life we could.

But on the contrary, I was entering the delivery room without Shyam.
Even when I held our son, Ram, for the first time, I felt such mixed emotions – delighted to finally hold my baby, but at the same time heartbroken to be doing this without Shyam.

Still, I held myself together, I had to, I wanted to be strong for my little boy. And the first time Ram took his first steps and said his first ‘Mumma’ I just looked up and said, ‘Shyam, you would’ve loved this moment!’

It’s been a year since we lost Shyam–it’s a loss that can’t be overcome, ever. But small things like saying ‘Good Morning, Daddy!’ to Shyam’s picture every morning before we get out of bed or visiting the places he loved have helped us find happiness.

Just a few days back, Ram turned one and even during the celebrations, I made sure to place Shyam’s picture behind Ram. Because that is how it is, you know? No matter where Shyam is, I know he has always got Ram’s back and of course, mine too!”

Written by: Anam Mirajkar

Source:Humans of Bombay
