He Messeged His Friend To Refer Him To His Organization For A Job 5 Years Ago, He Ignored,
Today He’s Seeking For A Referral In His Organisation

A young man named Sachin Lala has shared his encounter with a friend whom he sort for his help when he requested for his favor to refer him in his organization for a suitable opening 5 years ago but was ignored and removed from his network. Today that same friend requested and asked if he
can be considered for a position at his own organisation.

Sachin responded favorably and didn’t hold any grudges against him.
He went further to share few motivating words.

Read his post below, as shared on LinkedIn:

5 Years ago, I messeges my Friend in LinkedIn..
Can you please refer me in your organization for a suitable opening..

He ignored my messege and removed me from his network.

Today he sent me a connection request and asked me if I can consider him for a position I recently shared.

I forwarded his resume to my Team and asked him to schedule for an interview .

Why i did’nt hold any past grudges ? Because life is too short to care about the past.
Never ignore anyone because of their current title or status.
You never know who someone’s becoming on their way.

Who is with me on this?

Source:Sachin Lala|LinkedIn

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com