Man Who Started The Journey To Grow A Family 3 Years Ago But Failed, Adopts Beautiful Baby

A young man named Andrew Lamping has shared a beautiful photo of a baby he adopted. Andrew was hoping to start up a family with his wife 3 years ago, but it didn’t work out.

He shared his story in a lengthy post on LinkedIn, read his post below:

I have been quiet on this app for a while now… (not that anyone is concerned haha) BUT there is good reason for that: My wife and I have expanded our family!

One month ago I became a Dad! Seriously, like the COOLEST thing I’ve EVER done.

This is Miss Kennedy Josephine Lamping (she already has a great taste in fashion – rocking that Cyclone Social onesie)

This little girl is truly a blessing for me and my wife. We started the journey about 3 years ago to grow our family. We failed. Miserably. Over and over again. To say it wasn’t painful and depressing and just plain sad would be a lie… it was awful.

However, everything flipped on its head about a year ago (roughly). I would go to meetings…normal business meetings. We would talk about normal busness things. Then OUT OF THE BLUE, somehow the topic of adoption would come up. I can’t explain it…the only thing I can point to is that these were “God moments”. There were 3 meetings in a 1-week timeframe that all ended up going down this path.

I learned SO MUCH about the topic and it turned my focus, for the first time ever, towards adoption and the potential to grow our family in that way.

I have to share one of my favorite things someone shared with me. He said: “when we adopted our daughter we never really talked about ‘adoption’ because we just look at it as the delivery method. We were there at birth, so it was just the way she was delivered. Why is adoption the ONLY delivery method we talk about well into a person’s life? No one refers to a child born via c-section as “their c-section baby” so why do we do it with adoption? She’s ‘our baby’ period.”

After discussing it with my wife, our families, praying about it, and even inviting the priest from our parish to our home to talk about it, we jumped in head first and never looked back!!

In February we got the call: “She chose you.”
We celebrated. My wife cried. I had really bad allergies (that’s my story and we are sticking to it!!!)
I remember asking “are we doing the right thing? Will she fit into our family? What if something goes wrong? blah blah blah” and the my brother said something super simple, yet powerful:
“She chose you” – that’s all that mattered.

Fast-forward another few months and we were blessed with this little angel! We spent a full month in Florida (this is where the birth mother lives) and waited for Kennedy to arrive. When she finally arrived, we spent about a week and a half in Florida with her until we were cleared to leave the state (yes, that’s a thing. And yes, this post could be 10X’s longer if I wrote about all of that!)

Anyway, I just wanted to share a little glimpse into my life this past year. So many emotions. So many ups/downs/twists/turns…but we are here! AND I’m loving every minute of it!!! (Even the 2:30AM wakeup calls when she’s screaming at the top of her lungs for me…)

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. This has been just an awesome blessing all around. Thank you!

Source: Andrew Lamping|
