“I Am Licensed To Practice Law In The Province Of Ontario”- Proud Lady Celebrates Her Achievement
A young lady named Deola Olulana has fulfilled her dreams as she recently got license to practice law in the Province of Ontario.
She shared the good news on LinkedIn with few motivating words.
Read her post below:
I landed in Canada with my family and a dream to “become”. I didn’t know what “a dream to become” would look like. It is so surreal that on the 28th of July 2022, exactly 4years after, I am happy to announce that I am licensed to practice law in the Province of Ontario.
I started my journey of becoming a lawyer 21 years in Lagos, Nigeria and upon that education and experience, I stand licensed to practice law in the Province of Ontario.
Two law degrees, three countries, a World Bank Scholarship, an NCA certificate of Qualification, two bar exams and now dual licensed, first licensed in Nigeria and now in the Province of Ontario.
It is such a joy to be admitted to the Ontario Bar and be a part of the oldest self-governing body in North America.
The opportunities that Canada offered to immigrants made this dream real, at least for a good many; but the dream itself was in large part the product of millions of plain people beginning a new life in the conviction that life could indeed be better, and each internationally trained professional particularly ITLs that had gone ahead of me on this journey, ignited the desire in me to relicense and integrate into the community that I now call home.
Realizing also that almost every Canadian, was either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants, inspired me even more to want to leave my footprint in the sands of time.
I am most grateful for the gift of my amazing children and the encouragement of my family, my friends and career mentors.
I am glad my parents are still here to see me get licensed to be a lawyer for a second time. I thank them for empowering me with the best education upon which I am able to build again in my new home.
To my sons, this is for both of you, there is no limit upon your lives, except the ones you set for yourselves. The world is your oyster, so take it. Be authentically you, believe in yourselves and stay focused on your goals.
Faithful God, thank you for being my help in ages past and my hope for years to come. I return with thanksgiving in my heart, you have been a good, good father.
To every new immigrant particularly single moms starting out, your professional experience from your home country is valid, valuable and worthy enough to be built on, OWN IT, you worked hard for it. You can do this, yes, you can, join a community of like minds and like passion, it makes the journey easier. You may need to unlearn, relearn and learn, but no matter what, don’t be discouraged, keep pushing. It is DOABLE!
I thank every one who has supported me on this journey. I am however intentional about not writing names, so I don’t miss anyone out, because the truth is, you are all valuable to me.
I look forward to a great career, to building solid networks and I am opened to the opportunities ahead of me.
My wig in the picture background is in recognition of my Nigerian legal education and experience.
Source:Deola Olulana|LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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