Lady Who Resigned From Her Job To Start Up Her Own Business, Say “It’s Better To Try, Fail And Try Again, Than Regret Not Trying At All”

A lady named Shatakshi Sharma has shared few motivating words as she resigned from her promising career to set up her personal business, a Global Governance Initiative.

Shatakshi added that she left the comfort of a lucrative monthly salary because she has a genuine belief that life is too short to play safe.

Sharing motivating words to encourage people to follow their dreams she wrote:

“A life filled with learning, adventure, and growth is worth a thousand times more than a life of regret”

Read her post below as shared on LinkedIn:

When I left my job in 2021, I let go of a salary worth a Crore.

In fact, I was suddenly responsible to ensure giving GGI’s team members’ salaries without fail, every month.

This also meant I was leaving the comforts of staying in 5-star hotels, and business class flights coupled with no more identity associations with my employer.

However, leaving the comfort of salary wasn’t a new experience for me. Earlier I had experienced similar emotions as I had left my promising career with the Government of India to study for #MBA at the Indian School of Business.

So why did I leave the comfort of a lucrative monthly salary?

Because I have a genuine belief that life is too short to play safe.

I do understand that this modus operandi may not be for everyone. Today, as I run Global Governance Initiative, I have had my own set of struggles as well. In fact, I also owe a great deal of credit to luck too.

But, I am someone who has always pursued dreams that have excited me. If that meant, leaving Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to work in international affairs in the Middle East or starting GGI.

If you are in your 20s, and a part of you wants to move out of your current role to experiment, and experience life. Then it’s better to try, fail and try again, than regret not trying at all!

You get one life.

For me, a life filled with learning, adventure, and growth is worth a thousand times more than a life of regret❤️.

Source: Shatakshi Sharma|LinkedIn
