Proud young lady named Jordyn Marable has shared a testimony on how she became Delta Air Lines Flight Attendant.
Jordyn narrated how over 250,000 people applied for the job and she was lucky to be chosen.
Sharing photos on LinkedIn, she wrote:
The sky is no longer the limit ✈️
Over 250,000 applied and I was chosen to be apart of the 1% invited to become a Delta Air Lines Flight Attendant. The last 6 weeks have been beyond memorable. I’ve made lifelong friends, spent super late nights studying, stressed over evaluations and assessments, evacuated countless aircraft mock-ups, laughed, cried and finally celebrated.
I am your newest New York City based Delta Flight Attendant. See you all in the friendly skies!

Source: Jordyn Marable|LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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