“According To Doctors, I Was Supposed To Be Blind, Paralyzed, Or Dead” – Lady Says As She Fulfills Childhood Dream Of Becoming An Attorney, Set To Start New Job
A young lady named Tashia Sowell who had serious health issues while growing up, has conquered all her fears as she becomes an attorney and is set to start a new job. Says ‘
Never let anyone tell you what you can’t do because there ain’t no limit on what God CAN and WILL do in your life”.
Read her lengthy post as shared on LinkedIn:
Excuse me a sec while I brag about God….
I am so proud to be a walking testimony of God’s grace. According to doctors I was supposed to be blind, paralyzed, or dead because of my brain tumor. My doctors wanted to send me home with medicine to keep me as comfortable as possible until the end because the tumor was inoperable. But, I wasn’t worried because I knew MY GOD had me covered. When I finally found a neurosurgeon as steadfast in his faith as I was, who was brave enough to attempt to remove my tumor (knowing the high likelihood of things going wrong) I wasn’t worried because I knew MY GOD had me covered.
During that surgery things did go astray. I was unresponsive and doctors could not wake me afterwards. Still, I was not worried because I knew MY GOD had me covered…. and here I am today! Overtime, I developed partial paralysis to my right side and spent countless hours in OT and PT to regain strength in my right leg and arm, and teaching myself to become left-handed.
3 years ago I packed up all my belongings, left my family and friends, and moved half-way across the country to a state I knew absolutely nothing about to pursue my dream of becoming an attorney.
Every step of the way the Lord has been with me. While down here, I struggled with seizures and falling into weeks-long sleep comas due to the lingering effects of my tumor. Thankfully, God always made sure I never fell behind on my studies. There were times that I missed final exams because of these obstacles and I felt like I wouldn’t make it through law school.
I constantly asked God if this was where I was supposed to be, and every time discouragement crept in, He stepped in and took care of me. He placed me in the path of an amazing attorney, Brenda Stallings, who connected me with great doctors in town and He brought me through each and every class, even when I missed exams.
May 14, 2022, after I was told I wasn’t going to make it, losing the use of my right side, battling seizures and sleep comas, and being told by law school faculty that “maybe [I] should reconsider becoming a lawyer because [I was] experiencing the limitations of my disability,” I graduated with my Juris Doctorate degree!
I know that God is the most faithful and I will continue to put Him first in everything that I do. Never let anyone tell you what you can’t do because there ain’t no limit on what God CAN and WILL do in your life. I am a living example.
So, what’s next?
After I pass the bar in July, I will be moving back across the country to the “Big Apple” where I will serve as Corporation Counsel for the New York City Law Department!
Congratulations to her.

Source:Tashia Sowell|LinkedIn
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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