Lady Passes IELTS Exam After ASUU Strike, Gets 6 Job Offers In UK

A lady named Josephine Moyinoluwa has shared a lengthy post about her career with friends on LinkedIn.

Josephine quit her degree program because of ASUU Strike and passed an IELTS exam, which got her 6 Job offers in UK.

Sharing her testimony, she wrote:


Around December 2020, I decided to quit my Bachelor’s degree program because of ASUU strike coupled with Covid-19 palaver(2yrs+ left to graduate). Everything seems stagnant though I was working in a private hospital but I wasn’t getting the zeal anymore.

I told my family that I wanted to quit and focus my attention on becoming a registered nurse in another country preferably UK. My dad was against it( he’s an academician) but my mom and siblings were in full support.

I contacted a friend of mine whom we started the degree program together, I told her about my plans and she gave me mental support. I persuaded her to also join me, but she was like quitting school is a big challenge in an African home especially Nigeria, so she declined.

January 2021, I started the whole journey. I joined several IELTS telegram groups, registered for tutorials and around March I applied for UK Nursing council verification. In between, school resumed and I was juggling between school, work and preparation for IELTS.

However, I was on my friend’s neck because I knew she was interested but scared of what people will say, eventually she agreed to it even though some of her family members were not in support just like mine, but we never stopped encouraging each other.

Around April, I decided to write IELTS because I knew I was confident enough, but to my surprise, I had 7.5,8.0 and 9.0 in speaking, reading and listening respectively but 6.0 in my writing, I applied for remarking and nothing changed.It was like my whole life crumbled, several thoughts ran through my head “what do i tell my dad who wasn’t in support, what about my mom who paid for the exam, my brother who paid for the tutorial”. I thought of quitting and focus on school proper but my mom, brother and friend encouraged me not to stop as “winners never quit”.

I knew I had no confidence again but still pushing.

Around June my friend wrote hers and she passed I was so happy for her and that gave me a push to be more serious. That same month my verification was out, I wrote my CBT exam and passed. Then,I said I was now ready for the challenge. My friend’s verification was delayed, she was down, but at every point, I never stopped encouraging her and told her to start job hunting.

However around October 2021 I wrote another IELTS exam I passed it and finally had the courage to quit my degree with my dad now in support.
Started my Job hunting in November with several unfortunate messages in my mail but I never gave up.

My family and friend stood by me and believe so much in my dream and decision.
In December I got 6 job offers only signed one though.

Today, I am glad to say I made the best decision ever for everyone.I got the best job, with my employer sponsoring my degree, catered for all my traveling expenses, reimbursement of all exam/medical fees plus free accommodation for few months.

A month after I came into UK, my friend arrived in UK with juicy offer 💃.
I’m glad I never gave up on her.

Source:Josephine Moyinoluwa|LinkedIn
