If You Use To Be Rich & Later Became Poor, God Wants To Teach You Some Valid Lessons Of Life- By Akpotosevbe Elora
They’re many people who use to be rich before and later became poor, some of them gave up, and remained poor, while some others may have bounced back having learnt some valuable lessons of life.
If you’ve tasted the good life before, trust me, you will never want to be poor again, you will strive to keep up that status.
I have learnt some real life lessons, as I write this post, I will use my life as an example.
I would say life started a little bit early for me, I worked at a shipping company, my first job right after my youth service, and then I proceeded to an oil company which made my life moved pretty fast. I would say I tasted of God’s blessings early as he accelerated me career wise.
I had a well a
packaged monthly income and was making vacation trips abroad. I was more than comfortable, young but not wise as that time.
All of sudden, I lost the job, in a time when I had paid my tithes faithfully and sowed dangerous seeds. I started to question God.
Today I think I finally have the answers to those questions. God wanted to teach me few lessons of life, to prepare me for where he’s taking me.
There are people that kept calling me for one help or the other and I responded favourably, now that the chips are down, no one has called to say how are you right now.
I noticed a sudden change in my friends that were extra nice, but the moment I lost the job, I saw their true colors.
Truth is if I was still working there today, how would I have had this knowledge of human beings.
Another lesson it taught me was that no one wants to know if you were rich before, people will relate with you with your present status.
They were so many other experiences God has opened my eyes to that if I decide to share, it may be too lengthy. But I’ve learnt real lessons of life.
I presently work in a school, and I can tell how people look down on teachers, truth is teachers are poor.
But God has blessed the works of my hands today, I am a writer and I get paid for it.
It’s a gradual process as I am still building my traffic, the sky is my limit.
Let me add that I’ve met amazing people who I’ve featured at my blog, I’ve interviewed over a 100 entrepreneurs, amazing, talented and young innovative Nigerians.
I receive messages from different people who are ready to do business with me, and the ones who are inspired by what I do and aspire to own a blog too.
I must say having a blog was the best career decision I have ever made in my life.
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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