A Nigerian man has caught a boy doing his assignment while on a hawking mission on his camera.
Ogwu revealed that he has seen the young hawker many times with the same habit of working on his homework.
The man, therefore, called on well-meaning Nigerians to come to the boy’s aide and help him with his education.
A Nigerian man identified as Hon Ogwu Austine shared a video of a hawking boy with Legit.ng. The man hopes the boy will get the help he deserves. In the clip, the boy placed his tray of plantain in front of a deserted building as he set down to work on his school’s assignment.
When the man asked him what he was doing, the boy in a low-fearful tone with his book in his hand said that he was working on his homework.
Ogwu revealed that it would not be the first time he would be seeing the young boy around his school, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. He is passionate about education.
The young man said that despite what the boy is burdened with, he has a strong passion for education. He said: “Sometime last week, I met him again and as usual, he has his note books as he hawked Plantain for his poor mother, yet was doing his assignments, he immediately caught my interest because I understood that as a repeated practice, he has a very burning passion for education… I was inspired to ask him just few questions to understand his background and his reason for his repeated reading habits.
Then I found out his strong quest for academics is unquenchable despite his poor background.”

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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