Heartbroken Lady Shares How Her Husband Died Because Doctors Were On Strike, She Became A Widow After 2 Years In Marriage

An heartbroken Lady named Repha Uhuru
has shared a short story on how she became a widow barely 2 years after getting married due to doctors negligence.

Sharing on LinkedIn, she wrote:

Repha here, i was widowed after a two year marriage, it was the most trying moment for me, reason being, I was with him but never showed any signs of sickness.

I saw him die helplessly because doctors were on strike and we couldn’t get to the next private hospital in time to help save his life, he was long gone when we arrived.

The day his coffin went down the grave, my heart said “Lord am not ready to say goodbye”but it kept going down. Devastated! I sank into depression I was on antidepressants to try ease my pain, but this didn’t work out for me, because I cried helplessly and never saw any future by then.

Today, I have healed, though I still think about him.
Our one year old son needed me, i had to get up and organise myself, i decided to further my education, went ahead to apply for masters in Geography and masters in educational technology ( in different universities) because I had passion in both, currently, am working on my theses, can not wait to graduate with masters in both because to me this has been my healing strategy, I became more focused in my work and studies, i don’t cry anymore.

My masters education has comforted me and given me hope in life, looking at the future with a lot of hope because life is full of twists and turns.

Without hope, or without the inner peace of knowing that better days are ahead, it’s impossible to fully live.

To encourage someone who may be undergoing through a rough time, “Never give up. Have hope. Expect only the best from life and take action to get it.” As Fritz Knapp puts it,
Hope is best gained after defeat and failure, because then the inner strength and toughness is produced.”

Source: Repha Uhuru|LinkedIn

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com