Lady Who Became An Orphan At Age 7, Stopped School After Grade 7 & Escaped Child Marriage At Age 12, Finally Succeeds, As She Bags PHD


From losing her parents at age 7 to living in a refugee camp to becoming a PhD graduate.

Meet – Dr Julieth Gudo, she became an orphan at age 7. Stopped school after grade 7 and escaped child marriage at age 12.

When she lost her grandmother (guardian), she crossed the border from Zimbabwe to South Africa as a minor and found sanctuary at a refugee centre in Musina, Limpopo for 8 years.

In collaboration with humanitarian organisations, the centre ensured the children returned to school. It was a life-changer for Julieth. With nine years of schooling lost, she started again, this time in Grade 11. She passed Grade 12 with distinctions.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Limpopo, she went on to read her Master of Laws in Commercial Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT).

After graduating in 2016, she applied for a PhD, and won several external scholarships.

Dr Julieth Gudo recently obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Commercial Law. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Comparative Law in Africa, University of Cape Town.

“I knew education would liberate me from the consequences of my disadvantaged background; and when I got the opportunity, I just couldn’t let go,” said Dr Gudo.

Source: LinkedIn
