Banker Who Resigned To Become A Teacher, Surprises Secondary Sch With New Chairs

A newly recruited teacher in a secondary school in Oyo state has stunned the institution where he teaches with new chairs.

Ibikunle Titus Oloruntunmise who resigned from his bank work to be a teacher said that he was moved to do the gesture after finding students sitting on the floor.

Ibikunle challenges Nigerians to do their own part to bettering the country, stating that the success and failure of every government depends on its citizens Your support matters.

A Nigerian teacher, Ibikunle Titus Oloruntunmise, has stunned the principal and students of the school where he teaches as he donated a new set of chairs. The beneficiary of the gesture is a secondary school named Oranyan Grammar School, in Oyo town, Oyo State.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, November 24, the teacher who was newly recruited to the school said his gesture was borne out of his desire to help the needy students.

He says the failure and success of a government rests on its citizenry.

Sharing photos from the occasion, Ibikunle stated that the success and failure of every government depend on the approach of its citizen on any issue.

The PhD student of the University of Ibadan narrated how he had entered a class, JSS 1 in particular, and saw newly admitted students sitting on the floor. Upon inquiring from them, he was told it was because their parents couldn’t get them chairs.

This touched the young man and forced him to play his own part. In his words: “I entered JSS1 class few weeks ago and I met some newly admitted students sitting on the floor. I asked and was told they are the ones their parents could not afford to get chairs for them.

“They were learning in a non-conducive environment and since then, I have been disturbed . I thought to myself that the best way to remedy this eyesore is to start raising funds in any way I could in order to provide chairs for the students.”

Africano Trumpeters reports that Ibikunle had resigned from his job as a banker to pursue his passion for teaching.

People hail his humanitarian effort;

Ismail Opeyemi Baba Oyo opined: “May God reward you abundantly.if we youths can be doing this, it may inspire some rich men in our society to release what they have to help others. Once again,thank you my brother. #Babaoyo#care.”

Ibraheem Adewale Adefabi stated: “Altruistic step! “The good Lord will bless you beyond limit to do more for humanity. Kudos to you, brother and comrade.”

Okeyode Kolapo wrote: “Great you are doing well. The lines shall fall unto in pleasant places.”

Source: Facebook
