No Need For NEPA Bill: Boy Creates Powering Model Able To Give Light Forever

  • A secondary school student has created a proposed house model that would solve the erratic power supply problem in the country
  • The proposed model, if implemented, would make Ghanaians enjoy naturally-produced electricity without ever paying bills
  • According to Abdul, the power issue in the country is majorly caused by over dependency on hydroelectric power

Abanga Abdul, a student of the Ghana Senior High School in Tamale has created a model house to demonstrate his proposed solution to the erratic power supply in the country.

In a video report seen on the Instagram handle of Facts and Truths, the young man indicated that he created the model house with cardboard, DC motor, wire and LED bulb.

Abdul explains that the overdependence on the hydroelectric power supply is the main cause of the power challenges as the demand for the supply is extreme.

See the video below:

However, with alternative power generating methods, the demand for the hydroelectric power supply would be greatly reduced and complemented.

The model Abanga Abdul proposed employs windmills as the alternative source of power generation for households.

He indicated that this method is highly efficient, renewable, and cost-effective as the only charges the users would incur are the capital to procure the equipment and maintenance costs once a while.

This, Abdul explains, is far better than the current system where Ghanaians have to pay bills to have power almost every month.

Source: Instagram
