You Are Not Under A Curse If You Don’t Pay Tithe- Reno Omokri
Award-winning author, Reno Omokri has educated his fans on tithing and the curse associated with those who do not pay it.
According to him, the refusal to pay tithe does not make one cursed not to succeed in life but the only thing that can bring a curse is laziness.
He explained that everyone is blessed regardless of the fact that they refuse to pay tithe.
He took to his twitter page to make the revelation that caused lots of reactions from his fans as it was received with mixed feelings.
He wrote: You are NOT under a curse if you dont tithe. Dont let that affect your faith. God has blessed you. He whom God has blessed, no man can curse. The only thing that can put a financial curse on you is laziness. Work hard and smart and you will prosper.
What do you think?