“Love Used To Be Blind, But Now It Looks At Your Pocket, – Actress, Nazo Ekezie

Nollywood actress, Nazo Ekezie has aired her opinion on how love has evolved overtime.

According to her, love used to be blind, unable to see the faults and shortcomings in the other party, but has now received treatment and can see clearly.

She added that people consider the physical look, financial status, family background and net worth of an individual before deciding to go into a relationship with them.

Her post reads,

“Love used to be blind, but now it has received treatment. It now looks at you, your pocket, your family status and even your bank account.”

Nazo Ekezie’s statement is not far from the truth as love is not as pure as it used to be. Almost everyone has a long list of specifications they look out for in their prospective partner.

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Source: Yabaleftonline

Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com