Girls, Stop chasing after Rich men, Marry a Poor guy who have a vision and Help Him – Charlotte Oduro
A Marriage Counselor, Charlotte Oduro has advised Girls to stop chasing after rich men for marriage, they should marry a poor guy who have a vision and help Him.
“Please women should stop going for ‘I want the one who has money, i want the one .. no no no..’ go for a guy who has got brains, he is strong not a lazy guy who will be smoking and drinking around and doesn’t know anything about God.
“Someone who is just enjoying the father’s money and when the father dies, two years to come, the guy will have nothing.
“But, there are guys who are coming from a poor home but they’ve got brains, they are working, they are Christians, they are praying, they have a vision, they are dreaming and working it out. I’m telling you those guys help them.”
Source: Odinceblog
Email: elora.akpotosevbe@yahoo.com
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